Monday, April 16, 2012

don't you worry your pretty little mind

eye candyyy. yumm.
Every Sunday, CJ and I have a feature film. (CJ is my older brother's best friend for 13 years and basically my older brother.) The tradition has been going on for a few months or so. We've watched musicals such as Phantom and Mama Mia and many episodes of The Office because Joyous (mi madre) loves to talk and CJ loves to sleep at a decent hour. However, tonight we had some visitors to our tradition. Madison Whitehead, Alex Olsen (older brother's other good friend from growing up. He's very funny and I love him dearly) and of course that means my brother Tanner.  Tonight's flick was originally going to be "The Muppets'' but we ended up watching "Thor" with that very attractive man Chris Hemsworth.

I really love attractive men such as Chris. 

Spring Break is ending and oddly I am not that sad. I love breaks, but I also love being at school. Well actually, I love going to school and ditching half my classes. But I love when I have somewhere to be. One day of break, I probably watched 6 or 7 episodes of "One Tree Hill". It's time I go do something. Plus with break ending, it means I am only 4 days away to being on the beach. California, here I come for 8 days. 8 days in the beloved land of California while you people go to school, or send your kids to school, or take a final, (but actually probably not, finals will probably be over). 8 days while you're in Utah and maybe one person in Russia, I will be soaking the sun in California.

I really love California. 

I'll definitely be hanging out with this girl.
21 school days. 21. (Sorry folks, that's minus the 5 days I'll be in Newport, and the 1 day I will be sluffing whether or not I get asked to a particular dance) 21 short days left of high school. I'm all signed up for my college courses, I'm ready to move out (hah, just kidding) but I am ready in the way that I hate living at my home, summer is coming and I am 67.9% positive I'll be spending it in the East Coast again. HELLO DC!!! (More like Virginia this time. Sorry to betray you Maryland folk)  Life's changing kiddo, and there's a lot to look forward to. 

I really love freedom, it's only 6 weeks away. 

1 comment:

  1. Wait, what college did you decide on?! And when are you starting school...? I feel so out of the loop.
