Wednesday, September 19, 2012

haven't seen each other in a month

I still exist. My computer charger does not. That is all. Goodnight. 

Don't forget to check this out because it's back in business. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a dark world aches for a splash of the sun

I am in survival mode. I went to buy groceries and my wallet was missing somewhere in the world of Walmart. Now my food supply is shrinking. I missed class because I can't park in the parking lot at school because my pass is in said wallet and all of my money is in said wallet so I could not pay a parking ticket even if I wanted to. Plus gas is running low. I can't take the bus because my bus pass is indeed connected to my debit card which is indeed in  my wallet. I can only get $100 from my bank account because I don't have any ID because my ID is most definitely in my wallet. We'll see how long I can make this $100 last. My computer charger is broken so when I went to order a new one on Amazon and of course this one out of a million tines, they want me to verify my card number in order to purchase, so now I am computerless. I've been living off of free cookies at UVU Events (that I was most definitely not invited to, but I sneak cookies at all sorts of events: book signings, courtyard activities, new employee luncheon) and chilling in the Library so I don't have to walk home between now and work at five. I am in survival mode.

Funny, I came across this post today of all days....

"There is someone you can forgive.
There is someone you can thank.
There is someone you can serve and lift."

Life's not so bad, even in survival mode. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

if i had one wish

Sarahlou. Gosh I just love her. She's so dang funny and unique. Everyday I drive passed "Krispy Kremes" and every single day I just want to take her one. I miss her every day appearance in my life. I bought a Little Caesars pizza the other day and I had no one to share it with. Sarah has been a big blessing in my life and I love our friendship. She's such a cutie pie and I love her. I'm bummed I didn't get to see her on her birthday. It's just weird because I feel like it was yesterday that I threw her huge 16th birthday pary and now she's finally an adult. Lou, I love you! Happy Birthday!
Shazz. She's been my best friend since 7th grade. Goodness we've had countless memories together. I love thinking of tiny baby Lalo in 7th grade and our obsession with Keaton Roney. Or the time we went to San Diego and thought we were so cool. How many hundreds of Sundays have I spent in her room just blabing on while eventually she just fell asleep. I could never imagine my life without her. She's just always been there. I love her and I can't wait until all of the future memories we have together. Happy Birthday Shazzy! I freaking love you. 
 Isabella. Bella. Iszy. Giszby. Inspector Giz. (No I have never called her that but now I want to) Haters gonna hate but yes this (now) 15 year old is one of my best friends. Bella and I are just too freaking awesome to not be friends. I remember when I first met 12 year old Iszy. We were sitting in her basement and we instantly became friends. About a year and a half later, it was May 7th, the day I ran a half marathon, I was sitting in her basement yet again. Somehow I brought up yearbook and convinced her to join. (I also convinced Packer that Mayson had a twin and that my name was Dondra, so that's where Dondra comes from) But we've been buddies ever since. She got an email so I could communicate Yerd stuff with her over the summer and somehow we started emailing each other. We have emailed each other funny thing every day for over a year. . She is one of my very best friends. You will never meet a person like Isabella. If you can make her laugh her true laugh, you have accomplished great things in the world. I just love her. She's the little sister I never had. Except I do have a little sister but I didn't get to go to high school with Puffy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA. I freaking love you. One more year and you can officially date. Enjoy 15, it's a fun one.

(My computer was broken on Shazz and Louie's birthday so it's a few days late. But luckily it's working just in time for Bellas.)